Parent Partnership Meeting November 2022

Kessler Parent Partnership Meeting

Tuesday, November 16, 2022, 6:00 PM



  1. Attendees: 
    1. Mandy Needham, Kiley Hauck, Riley Thatcher, Heidi Heavrin, Andrea Reveley, Rachel Clark, Katie Clement


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Account Balance – $19,144.25


  1. Topics/Updates
    1. Additional Fundraiser Opportunity (Joesy Rye) – Step Challenge
      1. No minimum needed to have the day of fun
      2. Can it be funding directly to the gym speaker system?
      3. PP might need to be part of the advertising
        1. Will need volunteers for the day of “staffing”
      4. What dates are still available at this point? – Riley will check in and report back
      5. Giving go ahead to Josey if the date is reasonable
    2. December Holiday Fundraiser or Family Sponsorship
      1. School will let the board know if there is a need for a holiday fundraiser
    3. Thanksgiving Fundraiser
      1. Andrea will the jugs up around 2:00pm and take it to Valley Bank for counting/deposit.
        1. Remove coins from the cash
    4. Fundraising focus
      1. Looking at around $10,000 to be able to spend
      2. Redcats are $1310 each ($1260 if buy 10) + $21 each for shipping (unsure on an order of more than one)
      3. Have a need for 12-14, but starting with fewer will work
      4. Heidi will deal will payment, coordinate with Riley
    5. Kids’ College
      1. Three Wednesdays in February (1, 8, 15)
      2. Classes last from 2:25 to 3:15 pm, with dismissal from Kids College
        1. Cooking
        2. T-Shirt Making
      3. Katie will put together an email for Lolita to send out to recruit volunteers
        1. Mandy suggested a Sign Up Genius for volunteers and themes
      4. Ideally 12-16 sessions
      5. Kids will rank the classes that they are interested in attending
    6. Clay Day –
      1. Abby has the ornaments from Mary Werner and will put together the classroom sets of supplies and ornaments.
      2. When do teachers want to do the project?  Last year we did it right before Christmas, is that what would be desired this year?
      3. If so, Abby could deliver Clay Day stuff on Monday 12/19 to the school.
        1. Yes, this is the plan. Abby to drop off Monday 12/19.
    7. Carroll College Game – November 21
      1. PP will fund those who aren’t able to bring $1.


  1. Requests
    1. Snack supplies are lacking, Mandy will send out the Sign Up Genius


  1. Upcoming Dates
    1. Dec 8th – Family Night at Kessler
    2. Dec 15th, 10am, HMS, Winter Performance
    3. Dec 23rd-Jan 2nd – Winter Break, No School
    4. Jan 10 – Next KPP Meeting


  1. Action Items
    1. Lolita – Share information about sponsoring families around the holidays
    2. Andrea will pick up the jars on Friday for deposit and share info with Lolita/Heidi
    3. Mandy – Sign Up Genius for snacks
    4. Mandy & Katie Sign Up Genius for Kids College
    5. Riley will move forward with Red Cats, send info on current counts to KPP board to know if purchasing 7 or 8
    6. Riley will talk to Josey about starting the Day of Awesome fundraiser (Done)
    7. Katie will email Kids College info to Mandy (Done)
    8. Lolita will send gift card counts to Heidi
    9. Lolita/Riley – Let KPP board know if winter fundraiser needed after November’s week
    10. Heidi will pick up gift cards
    11. Abby – drop off clay day stuff on 12/19


  1. Notes