Parent Partnership Meeting November 2021

Kessler Parent Partnership Meeting
Thursday, November 11th, 2021, 6:00 PM
Downstairs at the Brewhouse

1. Attendees: Rachel Clark, Lisa Lowney, Staci Collette, Annie McCutcheon, Sara Perry, Heidi
Heavrin, Amber Chenoweth, Abby McLane, Mandy Needham, Lolita Carter (online), Mallory
Janzen (online)
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balance – $11,908.42
b. Recent Expenses – $29.67 (fruit snacks), $693 (Holter Artist in Residency), $59.32
3. Topics/Updates
a. Staci Collette – West side subdivision (see notes section below)
b. Holter Artist in Residency – Kids LOVE it
c. Directory – Expect to send to the printers this week
i. Directory printed at Action Print. Ready next week
d. Parent Advisory Council (full notes)
i. Rapid Test – expanded testing sites (CHS, HMS, Rossiter) M-Th before/after
school, can test symptomatic family members of staff and students for free too
ii. Teacher appreciation – coffee truck if we can get it set up. 7:30-8:45 am would be
best. Create tickets or come up with some way to have Montago know what KPP
is paying for. Can advertise to families as well to allow them to take advantage as
e. Fall fundraiser – We raised $10,200
f. Facebook Events – only when on school property, can’t advertise businesses
g. Home Rapid Tests
i. Accepting home testing
ii. Negatives – call the school nurse to discuss your specific scenario
iii. Positives – need to be reported to the public health dept
4. Decisions/Planning
a. Recycling Funding –
i. Potential for $7,500, Liz Ulrich is drafting up a nomination
b. Parent Teacher Conferences (11/30 & 12/2) Food Order
c. Clay Day – December
i. Reach out to Mary to coordinate
ii. Work with Lisa to pick a day
iii. Organize volunteers
iv. Abby has some supplies from Katie Gilbert
d. Thanksgiving fundraiser – 11/15-19, $1 donation requested per day:
e. Fundraiser money use
f. KPP Page Revamp and/or Facebook Page?
i. Going to set up or restart the existing KPP Facebook page. Send out an email
and/or advertise via the Kessler Facebook page.
5. Requests
a. Nicole Evans – Xylophone, from, ~$650
6. Upcoming Dates
a. Nov 15-19 Thanksgiving Meal Fundraiser
b. Nov 24-26 – Thanksgiving Break – No School
c. Nov 30 & Dec 2 – Parent Teacher Conferences
d. Dec 9 – Next Parent Partnership Meeting
e. Dec 16 – Winter Program being recorded, Link will be sent
f. Dec 23-Jan 3 – Winter Break – No School
g. January 13 – Kessler Flying Giant Spirit Night
h. March 24 – Kessler Flying Giant Spirit Night
i. June 14 – Kessler Flying Giant Spirit Night
7. Action Items
a. Staci Collette – Ask who will be responsible for the walking path in the utility easement
south of Knight street and share that information back to Kessler Parent Partnership
b. Lisa – Follow up with teachers about sound systems and what they would prefer
(wearable, in wall, ground/back of room sound system) or have other needs they would
prefer to use it for
c. Lisa – Work with Annie to finalize coffee day for Kessler staff
d. Annie – Email Lana about the thermometer so kids can see what they raised (DONE)
e. Annie – Create a sign or add a personal touch to deliver with the parent teacher
conference meals (DONE)
f. Annie – Reach out to Montago Coffee about a day before the holiday break to come to
the school for coffee (prefer the 16th due to Winter Program recording that day) and
coordinate it with Lisa
g. Abby – Send Jimmy Johns order information to Heidi and assist with getting counts
h. Abby – Follow up with Mary Werner to see about availability for clay day (DONE)
i. Abby/Sara Perry – Organize Clay Day prep and get items to the school
j. Heidi – Email district about longer bus routes, which was not supposed to happen with
the staggered setup they are moving to
k. Heidi – Order and drop off parent teacher conference meals on the 30th and 2nd
l. Mandy – Follow up with Liz Ulrich about KPP Facebook page and potential grant funding
write up
8. Notes
a. No meeting in December, fundraising activities will be handled via email/phone.
b. Staci Collette (HR Administrator for HSD) came to discuss the proposed subdivision
i. She will be at the city commission meeting on Nov 22nd, there was a
miscommunication or issue for which there was no district presence at the
previous planning board meeting
ii. The school cannot move the pick-up and drop off location. It will continue to
remain on Granite.
iii. Shares traffic concerns on Silverette and Granite
iv. Indicated the developer is willing to work on some things (wasn’t super clear what
was the city vs the developer in some of the discussions)
v. Have talked to the city about the sidewalks, signage, lighted cross walks, bump
outs, and prioritizing plowing
vi. MDT will not allow another access point to Euclid
vii. Looking into a light or bridge at the Euclid/Granite intersection to help with
students crossing the highway
1. Light could be a concern for kids crossing Granite there rather than going
up to the current bump out, which is preferred by the school from a safety
2. Would need a TIF (which the developer said they would help write, but
would not be responsible for construction; also not guaranteed to be
viii. Other suggestions discussed – Raised cross walks (plowing concern), Hauser
improvements to possibly get more traffic to go that way
ix. The district is working on evacuation planning, which is needed across the
district, not just in relation to the new subdivision