Parent Partnership Meeting September 2021

Kessler Parent Partnership Meeting
Thursday, September 16th, 2021, 6:00 PM

1. Attendees: Lisa, Abby, Heidi, Annie, Heather, Mandy, Mrs. Hauk, Mrs. Kelly
2. Outstanding Action Items
a. Lisa – Look into cost of sound systems if that is to be our focus
b. Lisa – Gather information on Instructional Framework needs
c. Lisa – Follow up with teachers on sending out the fundraiser letter
3. Treasurer’s Report
a. Account Balance – $3,213.63
b. Recent Expenses – $192.77 Holly McGraw (snacks), $1,784.47 Scholastic
4. Updates
a. Directory – received count from Lolita, Amber Chenoweth working on form printing
i. PP to coordinate paperwork circulation to teachers
b. Parent Advisory Council (full notes)
i. COVID – CDC and HB702
ii. Staff shortages – not enough paras and quarantine rules
1. Kessler has a vacancy for a playground para and is in the hiring process
2. Kinder has extra para hours for a part time person – and is looking
iii. Bus driver shortages – rolling blackouts (ex. 1 week no bus and 3 weeks with a
1. Currently not expected for Kessler routes, but could happen.
iv. Rapid tests
1. Working out testing details and logistics for privacy and not contacting
other students/staff – possibly at the mobile
2. 4000 of them
3. Parents have to be with and fill out forms
c. Recruitment Letter – sent on 9/15
i. Send again next month before the next meeting – (Abby to coordinate with Lolita)
d. KPP Timeline/Notes – Started drafting them up here
5. Decisions/Planning
a. Fall fundraiser (draft)
i. Run Sept 20 (Mon) – Oct 20 (Wed)
ii. Decide on a focus, timeframe, distribution, prizes for returning forms (regardless
of funds raised), thermometer
iii. Focus Ideas
1. Classroom sound system – Redcat (Sound comes from a mic), which
helps amplify the teacher’s voice. Can possibly get from CRA when they
are replaced? Likely over $1000/classroom.
a. Test Inc. – Audio Enhancement – Surround sound, teacher wears a
mic – ~$999/system + $666/installation or about $1800 per room at
Jefferson – $11988 total equipment – $15870 with installation
2. Instructional Framework, purchase magnetic letters/numbers etc. for the
a. Got all of it, no need to fundraise
3. Snacks? Water bottle fill station filters? Movie license? Transportation for
holiday performance?
4. Printing – Heidi will print
b. Parent Teacher Conferences – up in the air – but not until November. We can plan for it
in October.
6. Requests
a. Nicole Evans – Xylophone – Will revisit in October
7. Upcoming Dates
a. October 14th – Parent Partnership Meeting
b. October 21 & 22 Educator Conferences – No school
8. Action Items
a. Mandy – Get thermometer stuff to Annie
b. Annie – Create fundraiser thermometer
c. Annie – Reach out to Terah about sign up genius for snacks and write up for it
d. Annie – Finalize Meeting notes and send PDF version to Lolita to load on the website
e. Heidi – Ordering prizes
f. Heidi – Printing and envelopes
g. Lolita – Share class sizes with KPP board
h. Mandy – Snack Google sheets to share with the teachers for requests each month
i. Lisa – Chat with staff about Trunk or Treat and get okay from district leadership
9. Notes
a. Who can Mandy reach out to about 5th grade things for activities going on and planning?
b. Quickbooks cost is going up to $600/year – Heidi donating right now, but should consider
paying for the full setup to pass to the next Treasurer when it’s time.
c. Snacks – Sign Up Genius with specific individually wrapped snacks – send out monthly
i. 4 boxes of any of these per class (12)
ii. Granola bars
iii. Goldfish
iv. Pirates Booty
v. Cheez-Its
vi. Pretzels
vii. Fruit Leathers
d. School is buying the movie license this year
e. Holiday program booked at HMS, but up in the air based on COVID
i. Contributed $200-$350 previously
f. No current restrictions on busses for number of students, no parents
g. Water bottle station refills – Maybe $165 each
h. Return prize
i. 5 bravos to return the envelope, no donations/money required
ii. $3000 – stickers
iii. $6000 – kessler pencils
iv. $9000 – fruit snacks
v. $12000 – otter pops
vi. $15000 – Extra Recess
i. Halloween –
i. Kessler will likely do the parade outside on the playground like last year.
ii. Staff to talk about trunk or treat idea –